Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day 2

Well onto day 2 of the reduced calories portion of the diet and so far so good. I lost a whopping 1.1kgs over night so I am extremely happy with that! I am hoping that the weight loss will continue over the next week and not stall like it normally does! I struggled trying to eat the egg white omelette this morning. I was gagging on my plate. I am going to have to try and get past it though. I ended up abandoning my attempt and eating an orange instead. I hope I will have the energy that I need for boxing tonight! I do get to have some dairy protein through the day today in the form of natural low fat Greek style yoghurt so I am hoping that will be enough. Knowing how much weight I lost over night I know that I can repeat yesterday. Yes the mid morning was tough but I am prepared with an extra snack today so that I can balance out my food a bit better. I am excited to see results already. The naturopath did say that is what would drive us to keep going. I am so excited for our future healthy bodies! Oh the pretty dresses that I will be able to wear, the bikinis, the skinny jeans. I can’t wait to have the body that I have always imagined myself having. During the tough times I need to remember what I want. What I want to look like and the relationship that I want to have with food. A healthy one! Not one where you are embarrassed to eat in front of others. Not one where you secretly purge the binge that you have consumed. Understanding the way that certain foods make my body react, a big one for me so far has been MSG. We used to eat Indian or Chinese once a fortnight sometimes even more often than that! I never used to have a reaction to it at all. The past few times that we have had it my poor belly has swollen out so large that I look like I am 6 month pregnant. I get gassy and so ill that I spend the hours following either on the toilet or hugging it as the offending food is eliminated from my body. We maybe have it once every 3-6 months now. Usually just long enough for me to forget how truly bad I react to it. I imagine that after this 3 week body cleanse that even too much oil will have a similar effect on me.

Wishing everyone the strength to do the very best that they can today


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