Friday, May 6, 2011

Boobies & other excuses


I have had several women over the past week or so tell me that they can't run because of the size of their bobbies. In all cases bar 1, I was actually a bigger cup size then all of them. (I'm a 12E!) This got me thinking. I know I used to say the same thing. But in all honesty until I lashed out & got a good sports bra it hurt me too. Now even though I have only lost 2cm of my boobies they don't hurt when I run anymore (or maybe it's just that my legs hurt so much it takes the focus off them!) I was the queen of excuses Oow looks like rain- better not go out, I jiggle too much to run- don't want a black eye! (always the comidian), I'm too tired, I can't afford it, I don't have time, I have to look after the kids etc etc etc.
I guess what I have discovered is that there is always going to be an excuse to not exercise. I didn't just wake one day & say wow all of these problems/excuses don't exist anymore now I have all the time in the world. I get up at 4.30am so that I can organize the lunches & put washing on & get to the gym before the kids wake up of a morning. I don't have time- I make it! I am lucky that I have a 14 year old son that can watch the girls if they do happen to wake up before I get home & DF's parents 2 doors up in case anything happens. But if I didn't have that then I would make time of a night & let DF look after them- he is capable, he is a father! For the 1st time in my life I actually trained IN THE RAIN last week. I didn't melt, yes I got wet but it was fun (in a painful kind of way!)

There is a great sign up at my gym that says;

Those that don't make time for exercise will sooner or later have to make time for illness

It is so true! That is why I will not be the queen of excuses anymore. My health is going to come first!

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