Saturday, May 7, 2011

Foodies Unite!


I was reading another blog and it made me think about what I was reading. The person was talking about having to give up food that she loved, training herself to look at food as fuel & only putting in what her body needed. Yes that is all very well for some. If you can have that attitude & it works for you then that is great- your battle is over!
However I am a foodie. I adore food! I love trying new things. I love trying out new recipes. I love entertaining & giving my guests a beautiful meal. You cannot tell me to look at food as fuel & no more. For me it will not work. I am never going to give up trying new flavours & recipes. I’m never going to give up entertaining, and I’m definitely not giving up going out for yummy dinners and desserts! But I want to lose weight and a lot of it! My way to overcome this obstacle is to still cook yummy things but now I put it into the recipe builder to work out the PP per serve. I tweak where I need to. Sometimes it may mean I have to substitute ingredients like instead of full fat coconut cream I use low fat coconut milk. Or sometimes it may mean having a smaller portion than I used to & bulking the meal out with 0PP sides like stir fried vegetables or a salad. The other thing I do religiously now is dish left over’s up into portioned containers, this way I know exactly how many PP I am consuming. I used to just put it into one big container which could be a bit of a free for all if it was something particularly good! If I know we are going out for dinner I look at the menu for the healthiest option but I still have what I really want. If I order steak I get sauce on the side & dip my meat into it instead of having a pool of delicious sauce on my plate. This way I still get to have it but I don’t have as much. I steer clear of deep fried anything however I am partial to the old piece of bread (darn you carbs!!!) If the dessert menu looks tempting I will share a dessert with someone else. Did you know that a tiny little (deliciously creamy & good) panna cotta cost 10PP! But if you share it is only 5PP! I try not to eat my weekly points except on the occasions that we are going out. This way I know I can enjoy a few drinks guilt free. When we entertain I am the one cooking so I have the upper hand of knowing exactly what I am eating. I don’t bother telling anyone else that it is a WW approved meal but I have the satisfaction of knowing that it is ;)

So my suggestion of all you women (and men) out there that love food is to embrace it! Don’t look at WW as having to give up yummy food! WW IS NOT A DIET IT IS A LIFESTYLE!!! Try a new recipe, invite some friends over for a meal, go out for a yummy dinner. Just do it smart!

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