Saturday, May 7, 2011

I love Friday's!


I LOVE Friday’s. My morning starts at around 4.30am. I wave DF off to work & then I can get ready for my day in silence. My job can get quite stressful at times so I treasure these moments. At 5.45 I meet Brock down at Point Cartwright to start our PT session. Walking along the path with the sun just rising is such a special moment. You really don’t appreciate just how magnificent it really is. This morning there was a little bit of cloud cover right in the suns path as it rose up above the ocean. As the rays started peaking from around that cloud I could feel them warming me. It is getting quite cool out in the morning air now so I could really feel the difference when it hit me. We cut across the path to a new area this morning. There is a new set of stairs that have been constructed up through the rainforest. They start off as uniform timber stairs but then turn into compacted soil & rock stairs of varying lengths and heights. They go from the bottom of the path right up to the top of the point so they are one decent set of stairs! I had to run cross country style up those stairs & then back down 4 times. By the top my legs were like jelly. They acted as if they had forgotten how to walk by the end of that section. We walked back down to the bottom to do our boxing. We did quite a long session today with lots of arm & leg combo’s. By the end of the boxing I could hardly lift my gloves to punch one last time. Finally with great relief Brock told me that we were finished with the boxing. He took the gloves off me & placed the 2 pads on the ground. He then asked me to do a plank for as long as I could hold it. I only lasted 32 seconds today. Normally I can go for a lot longer than that! I was so fatigued from the rest of my training session that it was all I had left in me. Just to finish off my session he showed me a new exercise. It involved the picnic table & chairs but instead of climbing it with my legs he had me climb it with my arms! It involved forming a plank while leaning on the table top & then walking your hands down one by one on to the seat & then dropping down onto your forearms one by one then you reverse it & do it back up again. I had to do this 7 times before he would let me finish for the day. To be honest with you I don’t even know how I am typing right now! Lol So I pay Brock & get into my car, I crank the music up loud, I am ready for my day now! When I got home I logged straight onto WW to enter my exercise & plan my day’s food. I have planned ahead for tonight knowing that Friday nights are usually my undoing. We have invited DF’s little sister & her fiancé over for dinner tonight. This should stop us wanting to head out to the pub! I am doing my green curry prawns with a few extra prawns thrown in for the boys. My serving will only be 6pp with steamed rice! Not sure if I will drink or not yet. I am usually not a big drinker at home. I have enough pp still in the day’s kitty that I can have some if I want or maybe some of the yummy mango sorbet mmmmm. Will play tonight by ear in that respect but I know that if I want it I can definitely have it!

Happy Friday everyone!

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