Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday's tourture session


So I wasn’t going to bore you all with the details of my personal training session
this morning but then I thought about it & this blog is for me as well so I have decided to record it. I want to be able to look back on this in the months to come for my own inspiration. I am under no illusion, I know that there will be days and weeks ahead that I will want to give up, that it will be all too hard. I hope that in those moments that I can look back at posts like this & realise just how far I have come.

5.30am I meet Brock at our spot & walk the 2kms to the top of the hill, very thankful that we walk straight past the stairs this week! We jog back down the hill almost to the 1km mark. This is the furthest that I have ever run! Next week we will make it to the 1km mark for sure. We walked the 1km back down to the little playground area near our cars & then we followed a little kid’s bike track around while doing squats & then back doing sumo squats. For anyone who does squats I am sure you can appriciate how hard this was. At least 20 of each! As you can imagine my legs are absolutely burning by now. We head over to the wooden picnic table & chairs the same ones that most parks have and Brock has me climb the chair & table 10 times on each leg. AGH! My thighs are on fire! You don't realise how high those chairs are off the ground until you have to climb them after doing sqauts! To give my legs a rest we head over to the basketball half court & Brock pulls out some boxing gear. We do some combo’s using mostly arms but with a few knee and leg kicks thrown in for good measure. I love boxing- I like to picture people that I have issues with when I punch him, I feel it gives me more power! By this stage I am physically exhausted. We walk over to our cars & Brock springs it on me again that we are actually not finished. I think that it is lucky that he doesn’t tell me earlier into my session because I would be so mentally broken I don’t think I would get through it. We take our shoes & socks off & head down onto the beach. He draws a line in the sand. At first I think that we are going to run towards the ocean. (I am blonde!)Okay I think to myself that’s not so bad I can do that.Then Brock turns around to face the dunes. He has picked out the steepest one. Hooray! NOT! Right O he says we are going to sprint up the dune & back down to the line one at a time. You only get to rest as long as it takes for the other person to cross the line. I go first, I get to the top of the first run. Oh my- everything is burning, my head feels like it is going to explode, somehow I get through 4 runs. I tell Brock that he is going to have to carry me back to my car because there is no way that I can climb that dune once more to get there. He laughs (as if I am telling a joke!) and starts walking back. I can’t very well just stay on the beach so I have no choice but to climb that dune once more to get back to my car.

When I look at all this stuff that Brock pushes me to do I know in my heart of hearts that I would NEVER push myself that hard. I would have given myself a pat on the back after the 1km run if it was up to me alone! lol. That is why it is worth every cent for me to pay him week after week for this torture!

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